Referência Completa

Título: A numerical tool for fatigue induced failure analysis in the frequency domain
Autor: Marcelo de Lima Marcolin
Programa: Engenharia Aeronáutica e Mecânica
Área de Concentração: Engenharia Aeronáutica
Orientador : Maurício Vicente Donadon
Coorientador : Saullo Giovani Pereira Castro
Ano de Publicação : 2018
Curso : Mestrado Profissional
Assuntos : Análise de falhas
t Fadiga (materiais)
t Análise de domínio de freqüência
t Método de elementos finitos
t Engenharia de materiais
Resumo : The use of life estimation methods is essential to engineers when designing structures that will be subjected to time-varying loadings, resulting in more reliable products with lower development cost. When the loadings are caused by random processes a frequency domain approach is preferable over the traditional time domain methods. This work presents the implementation of a Python module that can be used in a FE-based environment to perform Stress-Life fatigue analysis in the frequency domain for random loadings. Case studies taken from MSC Nastran Embedded Vibration Fatigue User's Guide (2017) were used to verify the code implemented in the proposed tool. The obtained results show a good agreement between the implemented Python module and MSC© commercial software, meaning that the presented tool is a valid alternative for fatigue analysis within the context established in this work
Data de Defesa : 27/02/2018
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