Referência Completa

Título: Development of a methodology for evaluation and communication of aircraft noise impacts around airports
Autor: Bruno Arantes Caldeira da Silva
Programa: Engenharia de Infraestrutura Aeronáutica
Área de Concentração: Transporte Aéreo e Aeroportos
Orientador : Rogéria de Arantes Gomes
Ano de Publicação : 2016
Curso : Doutorado
Assuntos : Ruído de aeronaves
t Noise metrics
t Urban planning
Resumo : Noise-relaled land-use restrictions are included in Brazilian regulations since the beginning of the l980s. These restrictions are applied in areas subjected lo aircraft noise leveis higher than compatibility criterion defined by the responsible authorities. However, noise-related conflicts remain common not only in Brazilian airports, and there are reactions from communilies localed in areas considered compatible by he regulations. Additionally, the cunent metric for aircraft noise evaluation in Brazil (Ldn - Day-Night Average Sound Level) is not easily understood by the general public, which jeopardizes the communication between airports and the communities affected by the noise. Given· this scenario, the objective of this work is to propose a new methodology for aircraft noise evaluation, based on the application of weights on the number of noise events, with the objective of providing a good correlation with perceived annoyance. logether with an increased ease of understanding to people without technical knowledge on acoustics. To validate this methodology. a survey was realized at the surrounding areas of he São Pau lo-Guarulhos Intemational Airport (GRU), in Brazil. with the use of online forms and advertisements published in social networks. The 547 responses obtained were used to evaluate the annoyance leve( caused by aircraft noise on the communities living on the surroundings of this airport. The results show that the proposed Weighted Number Above (WNA) and Verbal Number-Above (VNA) metrics are similar to the Ldn in terms of correlation with the reported annoyance. and has the additional advantage of the improved ease of understanding. The analysis also show that the current aircraft noise compatibility criteria are associated with annoyance leveis higher than the ones foreseen by the applicable requirements, which con firms the need to consider community engagement aspects on the land-use definitions around airports, and not only the subjective aspects of noise acceptability.
Data de Defesa : 12/12/2016
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