Referência Completa

Título: Risk assessment in airports : São Paulo/Congonhas airport - a case stud
Autor: João Luiz de Castro Fortes
Programa: Engenharia de Infraestrutura Aeronáutica
Área de Concentração: Transporte Aéreo e Aeroportos
Orientador : Anderson Ribeiro Correia
Ano de Publicação : 2012
Curso : Mestrado Acadêmico
Assuntos : Avaliação de riscos
t Aeroportos
t Sistemas de segurança
t Planejamento de aeroportos
t Estudo de casos
t Engenharia aeronáutica
t Transportes
Resumo : Although Brazilian civil aviation regulations allow deviations in the standards and recommended practices (SARPs) with respect to infrastructure, considering they are proven to be within an acceptable level of risk, it does not specify a given methodology for risk analysis. The objective of this work is to structure a risk assessment process for Brazilian airports, which contain nonconformities with respect to the runway end safety areas (RESA) and runway strips. The following steps are implemented in this research: (1) survey of existing non-conformities; (2) identification of potential hazardous scenarios; (3) quantification of risk; and (4) suggestion of mitigating actions to reduce risk. For this study, São Paulo/Congonhas Airport is taken as a case study due to its great importance in two aspects: it is one of the major Brazilian airports for domestic passenger traffic and it presents a large number of nonconformities in its infrastructure which may compromise safety. The study evaluates operations'; safety for a one-year period, involving more than 160,000 movements, and it shows that the airport operates most of the time with high probabilities of an incident/accident occurrence. Also, as part of the risk assessment process, the study suggests and quantifies the gains for mitigating alternatives for lowering the risks such as the use of Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS), redefining runway';s layout and restraining certain categories of aircraft from operating on the airport.
Data de Defesa : 29/02/2012
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